HERA was part of the team selected to develop an initial plan for the entry and landscape of the former DuPont 23-acre property located along the Schuylkill River south of the University’s main campus. HERA’s role was to evaluate existing buildings for repurposing as laboratory facilities, offices and warehouse. Two buildings were being considered for technical and research space development as well as the potential for a new incubator lab building.
The South Bank plan is designed to support entrepreneurial growth as well as innovation for the technology-led economic development shift underway in Philadelphia.
The overall master plan for the South Bank will include converting many existing buildings, creating new structures and infrastructure, and increasing open space. The plan articulates a phased approach, with the initial development activity focused on constructing light industrial and flex-use buildings easily scaled to fit the needs for practical commercialization and business opportunities in the region.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
50,000 GSF
Facility evaluation, science & technology program review, incubator strategies, laboratory planning concepts