Adaptive Reuse: Converting Available Space to Labs ‘It’s Not So Spooky’

I2SL Arizona
Andrew Borkon, Assoc. AIA

Planning Safe and Efficient Lab Spaces: Key Considerations for Emergency Equipment Placement and Compliance

LabDesign News
Clay Stafford

Designing Laboratories for Hazardous Collections and Forensic Materials

Lab Design Digital Conference
Clay Stafford

Holistic Sustainability In Lab Design: Balancing Safety, Quality and Operability

Lab Design Digital Conference
Jeff Owens, MPH, CSP, SM (NRCM), CBSP, Assoc. AIA

Design Like a J.E.D.I.: Louisiana State Police Designing for Diversity

Lab Design News
Jinhee Lee, AIA, NCARB, CDT

Designing Your Next Public Health Lab

APHL Mid-Atlantic Conference
Lee Rzyska-Filipek and Eva Baker, AIA, LEED AP BD+C

Supporting and Elevating Diverse Voices in the Lab Design/Build Industry

Panel discussion, Lab Design Conference
Kassandra Garza, NCARB, LEED AP BD+C, WELL AP

Women in Lab Design

Panel discussion, Lab Design Conference
Eva Baker, AIA, LEED AP BD+C

Publications and presentations

“Adaptive Reuse: Converting Available Space to Labs ‘It’s Not So Spooky,’” I2SL Arizona, 2024, Andrew Borkon, Assoc. AIA

“Planning Safe and Efficient Lab Spaces: Key Considerations for Emergency Equipment Placement and Compliance,” LabDesign News, 2024, Clay Stafford

“Designing Laboratories for Hazardous Collections and Forensic Materials,” LabDesign Digital Conference, 2024, Clay Stafford

“Holistic Sustainability In Lab Design: Balancing Safety, Quality and Operability,” LabDesign Digital Conference, 2024, Jeff Owens, MPH, CSP, SM (NRCM), CBSP, Assoc. AIA

“Design Like a J.E.D.I.: Louisiana State Police Designing for Diversity,” LabDesign News, 2024, Jinhee Lee, AIA, NCARB, CDT

“Designing Your Next Public Health Lab,” APHL Mid-Atlantic Conference, 2024, Lee Rzyska-Filipek and Eva Baker, AIA, LEED AP BD+C

“Supporting and Elevating Diverse Voices in the Lab Design/Build Industry,” Panel discussion, LabDesign Conference, May 2024, Kassandra Garza, NCARB, LEED AP BD+C, WELL AP

“Women in Lab Design,” Panel discussion, LabDesign Conference, May 2024, Eva Baker, AIA, LEED AP BD+C

“What Are the Key Factors to Ensure a Successful Lab Relocation?,” Lab Manager Magazine, May 2024, Carlos Perez-Rubio, AIA, LEED AP

“Know Where You Stand Before Taking Your First Step,” facilities assessment white paper, May 2024, Clay Stafford and Eva Baker, AIA, LEED AP BD+C

“Imagining Your Future: How to Acquire, Design and Occupy Space Upon Existing an Incubator,” World Up Start, March 2024, Eva Baker, AIA, LEED AP BD+C

Instructor for “Principles & Practices of Biosafety,” American Biological Safety Association, March 2024, Jeff Owens, MPH, CSP, SM (NRCM), CBSP, Assoc. AIA

“Design to Empower: Ergonomics in Laboratories,” LabDesign News, March 2024, Jinhee Lee, AIA, NCARB, CDT and Taisha Griffith

“Addressing Shortages and Expanding Access: A New Nursing and Allied Health Education Building,” Healthcare Design Conference, November 2023, Amy Tongay, AIA, NCARB

“Coffee and Connect with Rachel Updegrove,” AIA Philadelphia Women in Architecture, September 2023, Rachel Updegrove, WELL AP

“Good Data In, Good Laboratory Designed, Good Science Out: Communication’s Impact on Laboratory Design,” Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture Conference, September 2023, Rachel Updegrove, WELL AP and Ken Mohr, Assoc. AIA

“Our Neurodivergent Narratives: Visual Storytelling through a Prototypical Design Framework,” International Union of Architects World Congress of Architects in Copenhagen, July 2023, Rachel Updegrov, WELL AP

“We Don’t Talk Anymore: Communication Strategies for Lab Design,” Lab Design Conference July 2023, Jinhee Lee, AIA, CDT and Clay Stafford

“Eva Baker: An Architect Specializing in Laboratory Planning,” Architectette podcast, March 2023, Eva Baker, AIA, LEED AP BD+C

“Leadership in Lab Planning,” Adtech Design & Development Leaders podcast, March 2023, Ken Mohr, Assoc. AIA

“Design as Pain Relief for the Lab Facility Manager,” Lab Manager Magazine, February 2023, Jay Hallinan, RA

“International Biosafety Roundtable,” American Biological Safety Association Conference, October 2022, Jeff Owens, MPH, CSP, SM (NRCM), CBSP, Assoc. AIA

“Designing Clinical Labs for Safety, Security and Success,” HCD Conference, October 2022, Amy Tongay, AIA and Matt Willmus, NCARB

“Sensory Space: Design for Neurodiversity,” AIA New York, July 2022, Rachel Updegrove, WELL AP

“Redefining the Future of Lab Facilities,” Lab Manager Summit, June 2022, Clay Stafford and Jeff Owens, MPH, CSP, SM (NRCM), CBSP, Assoc. AIA

“Taking the Next Step: Building Your Own Lab,” Southeastern Hemp & Medical Cannabis Convention, May 2022, Carlos Perez-Rubio, AIA, LEED AP and Nerissa Jemmotte, AIA

“Under One Roof: Consolidating Five Diagnostic Testing Labs with Diverse Requirements,” Lab Design Conference, May 2022, Carlos Perez-Rubio, AIA, LEED AP

“As Life Sciences Booms, Atlanta Landlords Convert Offices to Labs,” Atlanta Business Journal, February 2022, interview with Clay Stafford

“Design, Process, and Practice for the Neurodivergent Workplace,” Neurodiversity Symposium, 2022, Rachel Updegrove

“New State DPS Forensics Lab Rises in Santa Fe,” Santa Fe New Mexican, January 2022, interview with Ken Mohr and Jinhee Lee

“Autistic Imaginaries of Architectural Space,” Neurodiversity and the Built Environment Symposium, October 2021, Rachel Updegrove

“Autistic Imaginaries of Architectural Space: The World Through an Autistic Lens,” European Cultural Center Venice Biennale, 2021, Rachel Updegrove

“A Different Kind of SMART: Using Performance-Oriented Metrics to Redesign Success in a Forward-Focused Research Lab,” I2SL National Conference, October 2021, Clay Stafford and Jeff Owens, MPH, CSP, SM (NRCM), CBSP, Assoc. AIA

“Equipment Planning: Equipment Focused Lab Design,” CAPPA Conference, October 2021, Cy Henningsen

“Bringing Neurodiverse Factors to the Built Environment: Function, Form, and Foresight” panel discussion, Jefferson Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education’s Interprofessional Care for the 21st Century, 2021, Rachel Updegrove

“Sustainable Laboratory Design,” Designing Healthy Environments podcast, September 2021, Jinhee Lee, CDT, Ken Mohr, Assoc. AIA, Taisha Griffith

“A Different Kind of SMART: Using Performance-Oriented Metrics to Redesign Success in a Forward-Focused Research Lab,” SCUP webinar, 2021, Clay Stafford and Carlos Perez-Rubio, AIA, LEED AP

“Driving Diagnostic and Therapeutic Decisions: The Modern Clinical Laboratory,” AIA Academy of Architecture for Health, May 2021, Amy Tongay, AIA and Matt Willmus, NCARB

“From Super-Sized to Right-Sized,” I2SL Virtual Education Day, November 2020, Ken Mohr, Assoc. AIA

“Future-Proofing Your Lab: Flexible and Adaptable Designs for Rapidly Changing and Uncertain Environments,” Georgia Bio Innovation Summit, November 2020, Rainey Hufstetler, AIA and Jeff Owens, MPH, CSP, SM (NRCM), CBSP, Assoc. AIA

“The Other, Binary Thinking, A True Spectrum: My Autism Diagnosis Story,” Neurodiversity Symposium, October 2020, Rachel Updegrove

“On Becoming a Lab Planner: An expert’s take on how to develop one’s career path,” Lab Manager, October 2020, Glen Berry, AIA

“High Containment Lab Planning,” The Reagent Podcast, October 2020, Rainey Hufstetler, AIA

“The Benefits of Compact Lab Equipment,” Lab Manager, June 2020, Q&A with Cy Henningsen

“Navigating Lab Startup and Return to Work,” I2SL St. Louis chapter webinar panel discussion, June 2020, Amy Tongay AIA and Ken Mohr

“Best Practices for Reopening Your Lab,” Lab Manager, May 2020, Rainey Hufstetler, AIA; Amy Tongay, AIA; Matt Willmus, RA; Keith Whittle, AIA

“Ask the Expert: Ergonomic Lab Design,” Lab Manager, March 2020, Ken Mohr and Jinhee Lee

“A Flourishing Life Sciences Market,” Engineering, Inc., Winter 2020, Carlos Perez-Rubio, AIA, LEED AP

Designing the Sustainable Lab,” Lab Manager, November 2019, Carlos Perez-Rubio, AIA, LEED AP and Bill Freeman, PE

“Designing for a Forensic Crime Laboratory,” Lab Manager webinar, Ken Mohr, October 2019

Science on Display,” College Planning & Management, July 2019, Jinhee Lee and Ken Mohr

“Ready for Robots: Technology-Infused Design,” AIA National Conference, June 2019, Amy Tongay, AIA and Ken Mohr

“Not Your Typical Classroom: Modalities in Medical Education,” SCUP Mid-Atlantic Region, March 2019, Amy Tongay, AIA and Allison Edmonds, AIA

“Grande Cheese: A Cultured Look at Lab Design,” AIA St. Louis, March 2019, Ken Mohr and Jinhee Lee

A Planners Guide to Filtered Fume Hoods,” R&D Magazine, February 2019, Michele Pollio, AIA

“Designing the SPF Barrier,” ALN Magazine, November 2018, Rainey Hufstetler, AIA, LEED AP

“Sustainable Lab Design…So Much More Than a Great HVAC System,” I2SL National Conference, October 2018, Amy Tongay, AIA and Carlos Perez-Rubio, AIA, LEED AP

“Finding the Happy Middle Ground Between Efficient, Safe and Desirable Workplaces,” I2SL National Conference, October 2018, Carlos Perez-Rubio, AIA, LEED AP and Amy Tongay, AIA

“Laboratory Design: Elements and Evolution,” AIA Philadelphia Forum on Architecture + Design, October 2018, Michele Pollio, AIA and Eva Baker, AIA, LEED AP BD+C

Veterinary Oncology: Taking Animal Research Out of the Lab,” ALN Magazine, October 2018, Jim Cartwright, AIA

“From Super Sized to Right Sized,” I2SL Heart of America Chapter Education Day, September 2018, Ken Mohr

Can Evidence Processing Be Improved in Your Forensics Lab?” Lab Manager Ask the Expert, June 2018, Ken Mohr

“Take the Pain Out: Smart Design to Create Ergonomic Labs,” Laboratory Design Conference, April 2018, Jinhee Lee, CDT and Michele Pollio, AIA

Identifying Missing Soldiers: DNA Analysis in Asia,” Forensic Magazine, September 2017, Jinhee Lee, CDT and Ken Mohr

“Sustainable Specialty Laboratory Design Considerations,” I2SL Windy City Chapter, September 2017, Amy Tongay, AIA and Carlos Perez-Rubio, AIA, LEED AP

“Design Considerations for Simulation,” Certification Program for Healthcare Simulation Operations, December 2015, Amy Tongay, AIA

To Duct or Not to Duct: Chemical Fume Hoods in Your Facility,” Forensic Magazine, July 2015, Cy Henningsen and Ken Mohr

Lighting the Path to Efficient Lab Design,” Laboratory Design, June 2015, Carlos Perez-Rubio, AIA, LEED AP

Designing for Research,” College Planning & Management, April 2015, Jim Cartwright, AIA and David Miller

The Hunt for Facility Funding: Public-Private Partnerships,” Forensic Magazine, April 2015, Cy Henningsen, Jinhee Lee, CDT and David Miller

A 10-Year Journey,” Laboratory Design, April 2015; Jinhee Lee, Matt Willmus, RA and Susan Halla

Ebola Outbreak: Design for contagions in autopsy suites,” Forensic Magazine, February 2015, Jinhee Lee, CDT and Matt Willmus, RA