Unlike labs where the specialized core research functions are pre-defined, the King Hussein Institute required flexibility for future research teams with cancer related research objectives. HERA designers achieved this goal by designing open, generic labs with standardized lab support spaces. Major features included pen floor plans, moveable casework, and overhead and perimeter services.
The lab wing consists of 30,000 square feet of generic research space on two levels. Specialty lab suites support oncology research such as analytical instrumentation, oncology bioassay, proteomics and metabalomics.
HERA was able to provide a flexible vivarium by designing modular holding and procedure rooms with similar infrastructure programs to allow for both rodent and non-rodent models. The 15,000-square-foot vivarium has both a surgery suite and a barrier facility which meet U.S. standards such as AALAS and AAALAC.
The research laboratory facility and vivarium are part of a comprehensive medical center, supporting translational “bench-to-bedside” oncology research for the combined 120,000 m2 hospital complex.
Amman/Na’our Jordan
70,640 GSF
Strategic laboratory/animal facilities programming, planning and design, lab/animal facilities equipment planning
DeWolff Partnership Architects