Logan University

Fuhr Science Center

The 33,426 sf renovation and two-story, 14,400-sf addition at Logan University accommodates programmatic shifts, pedagogical changes, a growing need for STEM space and new technology.

The building updates teaching spaces, including two anatomy labs and a new Anatomage room. In addition, the university is planning future labs for nursing and occupational therapy, a program that is being added to the curriculum.

Technology is integrated throughout the facility. Two Anatomage tables allow for a 3D virtual anatomy experience. Large screens throughout the anatomy labs let students view monitors from any point in the room, in addition to the smaller screens included at each student station. A mobile camera system permits instructors to easily share materials with small groups. The building also includes two amphitheaters for demonstrations prior to students heading into the anatomy labs, a chiropractic technique classroom, library and ample study areas.


Chesterfield, Missouri


48,100 GSF


Laboratory planning, design and equipment planning


Cordogan Clark