Share your story with us

HERA laboratory planners is committed to creating inclusive laboratory environments for all users. To that end, we are inviting laboratory users to participate in a 10-minute questionnaire about the lived experience of neurodivergent people who work in laboratories.

Laboratory Planner Rachel Updegrove, Assoc. AIA, WELL AP is a neurodivergent person (autistic, ADHA, OCD) and has always found visiting laboratory spaces uniquely challenging. She’s spearheading this effort to better understand the diverse group of people who work, teach or learn in laboratories.

Laboratories are often designed first and foremost for the science, and not always with the users in mind. We want that to change, and the best way to start is for us to hear from your lived experience as a neurodivergent person. Your lived experience makes you an expert on the subject.

Please use the QR code or this link to reach our survey.