We understand most of the people we work with aren’t architects, and two dimensional plans on paper don’t always paint a clear picture. How large is this laboratory? How far away are the equipment drawers from the write-up area? Three dimensional pictures can help, but even they are only images on a screen.
To better convey design ideas, HERA has developed a proprietary physical, three-dimensional kit of parts with physical pieces that allow HERA and clients to work together to design their laboratory spaces.
The planning model helps bridge the gap between abstract discussions of square footage early in the design process and detailed bench layouts developed at the end. In that middle ground, where we are trying to determine the best layout and configuration of your labs, the model allows the design team and the users to work together collaboratively to design and plan spaces that will work best for you.
Why our clients love the model
Laurie Sperling brought the lab model kit (to the interview) and demonstrated it to the selection committee and there was no question after that which firm we wanted to work with. During the design process, again the modeling system was used and was extremely valuable for the faculty and staff to get a very good image of what the labs would look like. They ability to move items around and add and delete different pieces gave the user groups the ability to look at many different options and see the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Director Physical Plant/Risk Manager, Missouri Southern State University